Pool & Hot Tub

Pool & Hot Tub

  • All residents, guests, visitors, etc. using the pool or hot tub, shall do so at their own risk. WARNING: THERE IS NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. For your own safety, use a buddy system. Do not swim alone at any time.
  • If you see lightning or hear thunder, leave the pool area immediately.
  • For your own safety, it is advised not to remain in the hot tub longer than ten (10) minutes.
  • The pool and hot tub may be used by residents of Sierra Pointe HOA only. Residents may have two (2) guests per home at the swimming area at one time. All guests and visitors to the pool or hot tub must be accompanied by a resident at all times.
  • All residents, guests, visitors, etc. using the pool or hot tub must wear appropriate swimwear. No cutoff jeans allowed.
  • Residents must shower before swimming. Do not use tanning lotions or body oils prior to entering the pool unless they are waterproof.
  • All individuals whether children or adults must be proficient swimmers or must have proper supervision at all times due to safety concerns. Persons using the pool must have a picture ID with them at the pool for emergency identification purposes and in order to establish residency when necessary. Agents of the Sierra Pointe HOA are authorized to examine the identifications of any person inside the pool enclosure at any time. Failure to comply with such Agent’s requests may result in a warning notice, assessment fine, or suspension of pool privileges.
  • No glass objects, bottles, glasses, etc. are allowed in the pool enclosure.
  • Radios, boom boxes, portable televisions, etc. are not permitted within the swimming facility at any time.
  • All trash must be placed within the provided containers.
  • Pets are not permitted within the swimming facility at any time.
  • Alcohol (or the consumption of alcohol) will not be allowed in the pool enclosure at any time.
  • Any obnoxious, intoxicated or otherwise unwelcome individuals will be banned from the swimming facility.
  • All individuals using the swimming facility must respect the presence of other residents.
  • The HOA management reserves the right to remove or deny access to the pool to any person in violation of the governing documents. Repeated violations can result in the indefinite suspension of pool privileges.
  • Firearms are not permitted in the pool area. This rule shall apply to both permitted concealed carry and open carry firearms.


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